Welcome to FOULI!
FOULI is a new cheesemaking project - a tribute to the tradition & purity of Cretan
products. The goal of the FOULI project is to put its signature on unique dairy products
produced on our behalf. Artisan, unique and limited-edition cheeses made with an
unwavering commitment to quality, using traditional methods that honor the past and embrace
the present.
Each piece is a blossoming palette of tastes, memories and emotions. You will not find them at any point of sale, except through our strict and transparent priority order.

Quantity produced: 106 cheese wheels, weighing 2000g - 2600g

“DRETOS” Cheese
(Dretos - /dre'tos/, someone who tells the truth in a hard, direct and honest way)
Total production: 106 cheese wheels, with each wheel weighing from 2000g to 2600g.
Our journey begins in the sunny meadows and pastures of Crete, where the harmony between tradition and nature prevails.
Produced in the second half of May in Krousonas, by the Lydakis (Dretos) family using milk from the family's own animals, it fully embodies the farm to table philosophy.